När du inte har något att göra

..But there's just really just one thing 2 say, got damn you're beautiful, 2 me, you're everything, yeah thats beautiful. Day after day, I feel the pain. I miss you. I cant find the words 2 explain this. I cant let you go, you're stuck in my mind. All my memories with you, I just cant let them go. When I look into you're eyes, I'm flying away, I'm flying to another place, far away from everything, just you and me. My dream will never come true, but dream can you always do. I know I'm the worst on english. But whatever.. I like you, and I think that I will always do that, on some way. Maybe not be in love with you, but still like you. Do you get it? Now I'm going to stop writing this ridiculous text.. I hope you did understand something, and I hope that you, the guy I write about, read this and understand. Thanks for me..


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